Welcome to Career Services!
Students: Click on the logo above to sign up for Handshake! -Create a profile and get personalized job recommendations. Meet virtually with employers at your discretion; apply for jobs in just a few clicks.
The PT电子 Spring 2025 Career Expo will be Wednesday, April 9, 2025, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the John F. Gibson University Center Green Room.
Please register on Handshake, whether you are a student or employer/recruiter. Come visit with 40+ employers
about potential jobs and grad school opportunities! Bring several copies of your
updated resume and Dress for Success.
Registration for Students, click here.
Registration for Employers, click here.
For more information call 870-460-1453.
If you are currently NOT a University of Arkansas at Monticello student worker:
If you currently ARE a University of Arkansas at Monticello Student Worker:
- Log in to Workday.
- Search “Find Jobs” in the search box to view all open positions.
- Once you have submitted an application, click My Applications to view the status.
ArkansasJobs.net now transfers to Arkansasbusiness.com job listings. This is a private periodical published in Arkansas.
Arkansas JobLink is a web-based job-matching and labor market information system. Arkansas JobLink provides job seekers, employers, and training providers with easy-to-use tools that support a wide range of activities. As a service of the public workforce system, Arkansas JobLink is completely free for you to use.
Arkansas Online Jobs lists Arkansas employment opportunities available throughout
the state of Arkansas.
Arkansas State Jobs
Arkansas State Jobs is the official website of the state of Arkansas.
My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options. My Next Move has tasks, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers. Users can find careers through keyword search; by browsing industries that employ different types of workers; or through the O*NET Interest Profiler, a tool that offers personalized career suggestions based on a person's interests and level of work experience.
My Next Move is developed and maintained by the National Center for O*NET Development, under the sponsorship of the US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA) through a grant to the North Carolina Department of Commerce. Learn more about O*NET.
Occupational Outlook Handbook -an online career guidance resource that provides information on hundreds of occupations in the United States. Published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
PT电子 is not responsible for any of the listings or content of these sites.
Career Development Events
PT电子 Spring 2025 Career Expo: April 9, 2025, 11-1.
Registration is now available through the Handshake app.
Focus 2 Career is a self-assessment that evaluates one's interests, skills, and values to currate career pathways that would best align with one's lifestyle. It shows the career pathway, what level of education, and degree plan PT电子 offers that can help a student achieve the career! This assessment can be done at any time and at no cost to any PT电子 student. Please contact Career Services for guidance.
Key Benefits
- Helps students in career decision-making process
- Focus 2 Career link
*All workshops are in Student Success Center Room 205 from 1:00-2:00 PM unless otherwise specified* ALL PT电子 students are invited and encouraged to attend!
Videos may be accessed by those with PT电子 Sharepoint. Click this link to connect: Career Workshop videos.
- 10/10/2023 Leadership
- 11/ 02/2023 Finding Internships
- Financial Responsibility: 1/30/24
- Investing Basics: 2/8/24
- Table Etiquette for the Business World: 2/20/24 (Held in Hospitality Department)
- Resumes and Job Searching: 3/12/24
- How to prepare for a Career Fair: 4/2/24
- FALL 2024:
- Preparing for a Successful Semester 9/3/24
- Studying Smarter, Not Harder 9/12/24
- Growth Mindset 10/1/24
- Choosing the Right Major 10/29/24
- Interviewing 11/7/24
- Resume Writing 11/14/24
- SPRING 2025
- Steps to Entrepreneurship 1/23/25 12:30 pm
- Get an Internship! 2/6/25 12:30 pm
- Acquiring Job-ready Skills 2/20/25 12:30 pm
- Professional Dress, Interviewing, and Prepare for the PT电子 Career Expo! 3/13/25 12:30 p.m.
- PT电子 Career Expo! Wed. April 9, 2025 11a--1p
Contact Information
Office of Testing, Career Services, and Tutoring
Brian Jones, Director
Student Success Center 2nd floor, suite 201
870-460-1403 (fax)
Email: jonesb@dcvg-cn.com